We are yet to have a 2010 update so now seems as good a time as any to update! I will also try and fill in the blanks along the way!
I will add pictures from the last 6 months and try and back date some posts as I have been notably rubbish at updating in the last year.
The girls are doing really well and Love living by the sea side, Matilda had a school trip to the beach earlier and Elsie had a singing concert at her nursery, we went to the beach after school and had a picnic.... Mummy forgot that Uncle Charlie and Auntie Kimberly were collecting Tils to take her out for the evening so we had to rush back super fast! Charlie and Kim took Tils to the pier and then had fish and chips on the beach, they bought Matilda home and Charlie carried Matilda to the front door as she was a sleep then placed her on the sofa when he got into the house, Mummy picked her up to put her into bed and she played a trick and jumped up and said 'Boooooo' and made us all jump! The girls are snuggled up in bed now and mummy has just spoken to Nanny Joyce about coming for supper tomorrow.