Matilda is 6 and a half now and spends most of the time attached to a book, if she is not reading, she is soaking up facts like a little factual sponge, Matilda just loves to learn, she is getting so confident and has a fabulous sense of humour, Big news in the last few months have been Matilda losing teeth her front top left tooth is SUPER wobbly at the moment and it is a matter of hours (Im hoping!) before it falls out!
Current things she loves:
- Rainbow fairy books
- Roald Dahl
- Moshi Monsters
- Natasha Strutt!
- Riding her bicycle
- Deadly 60 on Television
Matilda is 5 and a half at the moment and the most amazingly calm and gorgeous little girl, she has beautiful manners and a wonderful sense of humour, she brightens my everyday and she is so helpful. She is a wonderful role model for her younger sister.
Matilda just had parents evening last week for her year 1 report and her Teacher Mrs Colley was thrilled with Matilda, in particular her mathematics the subject she is currently excelling in.
I love you my perfect gorgeous girl xx
Love Mummy