Sunday, 31 July 2011

Brooklands Park with Aimee

Today we went over to Brooklands park with Carla and Aimee, we had an ice cream, then we got to have a bounce around on the cool indoor bouncing area, We also had a delicious Picnic and a swim in the paddling pool, It was a VERY hot day and very very busy, There were lots of wasps around so we went to the other play area away from the bins near the paddling pool and had a play on the huge musical instruments! x

 Us girlies on the train around Brooklands.
 Ding Dong!
Friendly cuddles!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Its Aimee Partridge's 5th Birthday!!

We went on the bus after school  to Aimee's house for her 5th Birthday party, It was so lovely to sit in the garden and eat spaghetti bolognaise and birthday cake!
We got her a vintage cake baking set which Elsie had lovingly chosen in the village earlier on (On the basis that she would have loved one of those herself!).
We had a wonderful time and got to celebrate with Aimee's family.

 Elsie loves watching 'present opening'!
 Dancing in the front room!
 Garden games!

 Tils on the bus!
 Friendly cuddles!
 Party Dancing!
Elsie having a swing! 

Friday, 8 July 2011

Matilda's year1 sports day

 I believe I can fly!! Matilda flew past the other to win this race!!!
 Waiting in patiently for her races to begin!
 Matilda and her best friend Natasha!
Got technique on the bean bag toss Tillinja! xx

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Matilda had her Ballet exam!

 We had a mad dash after school to get Matilda to her Ballet exam in Lewes, whilst Matilda was sorting her kit out, Elsie was 'wag'ing' it up with her pretend mobile and handbag on the wrist!
Matilda was only in there for about 8 minutes but it gave Mummy plenty of time to try and peak behind the closed door and watch her gorgeous little Ballerina, *insert token emotional Mum symbol here*

Love you girls more than Anything!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Elsie's Mini Sports Day

As Elsie's Sports day had already been rained off the staff at Whiteways decided to hold the annual event inside, Elsie was so pumped for the Sports day and gave her a chance to show of her super fast skillz! She won about 6 of the tasks and came 2nd in the others, Elsie has a very competitive streak! - and is also incredibly fast for such a little lady!!!

 Beautiful poutalicious Wiglet!
Lining up for a race!

Friday, 1 July 2011

Matilda had an inset day

Matilda had an inset day today, so she got ot decide what we did for the morning as Elsie was at nursery until1, she choose to go to Saltdean park on her bike, so we went for a cruise along the undercliff on our bikes!
It was lovely for me and the big girl to have some time together as we rarely get special time alone and I can not believe how grown up she has got!
Matilda just loves being out on her bicycle!

Ohhhh yeah Yummy Mummy!!! Well until she ordered it then realised it had coconut in it (which she is not a fan of!)

We stopped for a lil skip! It was soooo nice and warm
It was hard for Matilda to skip after she injured her knee at Tilgate park on Saturday
Matilda Super biker!