Saturday 10 May 2008

Thunder and lightning and a BBQ!

We woke up to find Elsie could climb the first step! Stair gate time!!!
We stayed in this morning and Tils painted the bowl and mug set Christian had bought for her Christening gift - My enamel bath was trashed!!!But Tils really enjoyed it!!! Then we pottered about in the garden and walked to town with Jenny and Katie and Alice, Tils and Alice took their scoots! Tils took to using her new shoes to stop the scooter which made mummy very happy! NOT!!!

The girls were really good and then we went home and tried to prepare our food as we were having a bbq, Tils decided she needed a sleep if she was having a late night so she went up stairs to 'read' a book queitly!!!

The children did some dressing up and played inside while the Daddie's kept the Barbie alight!... I Like the brolly Stu -pot!

Susie and Stuart and the girls, Mark & Emma and Jenny, Marcus, Alice and Katie, we got a bit done around the house and were all ready to relax in the garden ....when the thunder and lightening started!!! Daddy presevered and the food was Ggggrrrrreat!!!!

Tils and her friend Liv playing with the hair box, we ended up spending most of the night inside! booohoooo!

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