Monday 28 April 2008

Tody we have walked to town with our friends Penny and Olivia we had to go to the butchers, Olivia and Tils were lucky to get some sausages to try!!! We had to stop and look at the little tiny puppy! Liv was so excited she clapped!!!
Matilda went for a Scoot down the ramp outside the post office....she is living on the edge now!

We also went and had a coffee and cake in the coffee shop Yum Yum! and Tils and Liv got to do some drawing, which was fun!
Matilda has not been sleeping very well so Mummy went all new age and brought her some relaxing tea to drink at bedtime and some lavender Bathtime wash!

Penny and Els having a natter and coffee!
Elsie likes having Coffee mornings!Elsie trying to get into Pen's photo! Soooooo her mothers daughter!!!

We had to play o the green and climb the tree in the park today as the payground is shut while it is being redone so we played in the sunshine for a bit then we went home and had some lunch and then it was school time for Tils and Bianca came around with Baby Peter and had coffee and Mummy made Curry for sups which both the girls and Daddy loved so that was a hit!

1 comment:

Fiona said...

Five days and no update...what is going on? The parkers want to know what you have been up to?